Donate Securely with Confidence:
We do not keep your details anywhere. In fact, we do not see them at all!
Your donation will make a difference to our work in helping people living in the Kurdish regions and beyond.
You can follow up our achievements and see your donation at work.
Giving is better than receiving and those who give are generally happier than those who receive.
You can donate securely:
By PayPal or your Credit Card;
With your cursor, click on the square box on the horizontal bar. Move it to the right or left
to select the amount you wish to donate. Then click the Donate button. Please note you can
change your mind at any stage. You’ll be taken to a new page where you can securely enter
your PayPal or Credit Card details or -
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) from your bank account over the Internet;
Deposit cash or a cheque at any branch of any bank in Australia.
Account Name: Kurdish Lobby Australia
Bank: Westpac
BSB #: 032-164 Account #: 387068